A New Era for Development Dialogue: What Next
The Dag Hammarskjold Foundation's latest issue of Development Dialogue (No. 47, June 2006) represents the first in a series of publications under the project titled What Next, a sequel to their What Now project thirty years ago which culminated in the famous 1975 report, What Now: Another Development and the monograph Another Development: Approaches and Strategies (1976). What Next will produce three volumes of Development Communication and two longer special reports. In this first in the series of journal issues seven contributors come together to undertake: "Setting the Context," providing historical perspective and taking stock of major development trends. Volume II will focus on media and communication in addition to international relations, human rights, fundamentalism, and disability. The third volume will focus more on economic issues. The two special reports that are already in preparation focus on carbon trading (currently the main approach to tackling global warming) and modern society's reliance on technology to solve solve social problems, respectively. A little background on the Foundation and Project from the editors of Volume I of Development Dialogue's What Next, from "Introducing What Next":
"The Foundation that Dag Hammarskjold gave name to was established in 1962. Hammarskjold, who perished the previous year in a plane crash in Northern Zambia, died while negotiating peace in the troubled Congo. He was guided by the notion that small countries, especially those that had just emerged from wars of independence and decolonisation, should be able to assert their interests vis-a-vis the major powers and build their own future and destiny. ...In areas spanning global health policy, indigenous publishing and cross-cultural communication as well as disarmament, UN reform, plant genetic resources and nanotechnlogy, the Foundation has...attempted to foster broad-based debates on new and viable perspectives. The results of these explorations of social, political, economic and cultural development--particularly in the South but also globally--have been made available to the public in more than 150 publications, including the journal Development Dialogue. "
Development Dialogue is available in the ASC library, not online.
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