
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Special issues from Journalism and Journalism Studies

The latest Journalism and Journalism Studies are both running interesting themed issues. 

Journalism Studies (Volume 14, Issue 2, 2013) addresses the issue of cosmopolitanism in today's new media landscape. 
Cosmopolitanism, the issue argues, is an orientation of openness towards distant others that relies on technological mediation so as to raise the moral imperative to act on those others in the name of common humanity (Silverstone2007). Whilst cosmopolitanism has long been associated with the capacity of journalism to bring “home” distant realities and to inspire a sense of care and responsibility beyond our communities of belonging (Hannerz 1990), the emergence of new media and their appropriation in citizen-driven practices of reporting has invigorated debates about the cosmopolitan efficacy of journalism today (Ward 2010; Zuckerman 2010). New media journalism refers to a broad economy of integrated technological mediations, what Madianou (this issue) calls a “polymedia” milieu, which “comprises of technologies, media, platforms and applications as they intersect and hybridise”, circulating information but also facilitating opinion and testimony. Within this milieu, it is, in particular, the intervention of ordinary voice into journalism, made possible through these polymedia affordances (from Twitter to mobile phones), that appears to catalyse the cosmopolitan efficacy. Insofar as events can be reported by people like us, the argument has it, the news can become both more authentic towards its own publics and more caring towards distant others (Allan 2007; Harcup 2002). --from the Introduction

Articles include:
• ONLINE JOURNALISM AND CIVIC COSMOPOLITANISM: Professional vs . participatory ideals, by Dahlgren P.
• COSMOPOLITANISM AS CONFORMITY AND CONTESTATION: The mainstream press and radical politics, by Fenton N.
• SITUATED, EMBODIED AND POLITICAL: Expressions of citizen journalism, by Blaagaard B. B.
• GETTING CLOSER?: Encounters of the national media with global images, by Pantti.
• THE WORLD IS WATCHING: The mediatic structure of cosmopolitanism, by Cheah P.
• JOURNALISTS WITNESSING DISASTER: From the calculus of death to the injunction to care, by Cottle S.
• HUMANITARIAN CAMPAIGNS IN SOCIAL MEDIA: Network architectures and polymedia events, by Madianou M.
  RE-MEDIATION, INTER-MEDIATION, TRANS-MEDIATION: The cosmopolitan trajectories of convergent journalism, by Chouliaraki.

Journalism's special issue (Volume 14, Issue 2, 2013) is: Journalism and the Financial Crisis. Articles include:

• Financial journalism, news sources and the banking crisis, by Paul Manning
• Budgetjam! A communications intervention in the political - economic crisis in Ireland, by Gavan Titley
• Ignored , uninterested , and the blame game : How The New York Times , Marketplace , and The Street distanced themselves from preventing the 2007-2009 financial crisis, by Nikki Usher
• The Today programme and the banking crisis, by Mike Berry
• Are we all Keynesians now? The US press and the American Recovery Act of 2009, by Anya Schiffrin
• Downloading disaster: BBC news online coverage of the global financial crisis, by Steve Schifferes
• Financial news and market panics in the age of high - frequency sentiment trading algorithms, by Jan Kleinnijenhuis
• Invested interests? Reflexivity, representation and reporting in financial markets, by Peter A Thompson

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