Risk Communication database
Actually, it's more a searchable bibliography than a database, and its lifespan is limited, 1990-2003, but it's uniqueness makes it a valuable resource. Adapted from the site:
Scope of the Bibliography
This bibliography provides an introduction to risk communication literature. It does not pretend to be a complete collection of all relevant articles, and many valuable sources have undoubtedly been missed. Nevertheless, its listings should provide a good starting point for searching the field. It includes reports of experiments, theoretical discussions, case histories, how-to manuals, dissertations, and reviews. The bibliography is not limited to cancer risks because much of use to cancer risk communication can be gleaned from lessons learned in other domains. To set realistic boundaries, we focused this bibliography on publications that relate to the specific task of explaining the nature and magnitude of hazards to the public. This focus unavoidably neglects important social, legal, political, ethical, and institutional issues in risk communication. (A non-annotated list of references covering the broad field of risk communication may be found at the National Library of Medicine: www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/cbm/health_risk_communication.html.)
The bibliography does, however, include many articles that deal with risk perception, even ones lacking any mention of communication, because learning how people think about risk should help us discover how well they understand our risk messages and help us find ways to increase their risk understanding.
Number of Risk Communication/Perception Articles Published from 1990-2003
Year Number of Articles
1990-1997 249
1998 47
1999 74
2000 52
2001 65
2002 69
June, 2003 23
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