Bibliographic Essays on Reality TV and War Reportage in CBQ
Two review essays in the field's only book review quarterly, Communication Booknotes Quarterly, collect monograph scholarship in the areas of reality television and war reportage. For both topics the bibliographic essays are selective rather than exhaustive.
Twenty titles from recent scholarship (since 2000) in reality television begin with Mark Andrejevic's Reality TV: The Work of Being Watched (2003) and end with Christopher J. Wright's Tribal Warfare: Survivor and the Political Unconscious of Reality TV (2006).
The review essay, Reporting on Wars and the Military (Part 1), is divided into Survey Histories, Issues and Controversies, followed by individual wars: The Civil War, World War I, World War II, and Vietnam. Interestingly, there seems to be more attention paid to The Civil War and Vietnam than the World Wars, at least from the number of titles selected for each in this particular essay by media historian, Christopher Sterling. I'm assuming the next issue will continue with Part II which will probably focus on the Iraq wars and the war on terror.
Labels: bibliographies, journalism, reality television
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