Urban Studies, Peace Research Abstracts
Recently added to the EBSCO suite are two databases that have relevance to Communication if you take the time to get off the beaten trail of Communication Abstracts and CMMC (on that same platform). They are Urban Studies Abstracts and Peace Research Abstracts.
Urban Studies Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to urban studies, including urban affairs, community development, urban history, and other areas from 1973 to the present. You can find essential treatments of communication research in USA literature. A search on television and public space turns up an article in a 2002 Environment & Planning titled: Re-mediating the spaces of reality television: America's Most Wanted and the case of Vancouver's missing women.
Peace Research Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to peace research, including conflict resolution, international affairs, and peace psychology since 1964. In this database I paired "media coverage" with" conflict resolution" to find articles from a talk at a COPRED (Consortium for Peace Research Education and Development) Conference in 1999 and the World Policy Journal (1995).
I don't have either of these databases posted up front on the Annenberg homepage but do keep them in mind. They can be found in the full list of Communication databases one link in. This list is good to browse every so often to remind yourself of the cornucopia of database options we have at our fingertips!
Peace Research Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to peace research, including conflict resolution, international affairs, and peace psychology since 1964. In this database I paired "media coverage" with" conflict resolution" to find articles from a talk at a COPRED (Consortium for Peace Research Education and Development) Conference in 1999 and the World Policy Journal (1995).
I don't have either of these databases posted up front on the Annenberg homepage but do keep them in mind. They can be found in the full list of Communication databases one link in. This list is good to browse every so often to remind yourself of the cornucopia of database options we have at our fingertips!
Labels: databases, peace research, urban communication
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