World Privacy Forum
If you're interested in privacy issues you might want to bookmark the World Privacy Forum site. Devoted to issues of privacy in all arenas, including medical, job security, and financial privacy, it also has a section devoted to search engine and internet privacy. These sections are post news briefs as well as full research reports from a variety of perspectives. The resource section post reports, WPF speeches delivered around the world, tips and FAQs on privacy, and links to other privacy organizations, centers, publications, and related blogs. As well as the site is already organized it also has an A-Z Index featuring reports and documents on categories such as Advertising and Online Privacy, Communications, Cloud Computing, Email, e-health, Identity, Internet Privacy, Press, and Search Engines--to name the more media-related.
The World Privacy Forum is a nonprofit, non-partisan 501 (C) (3) public interest research group founded in 2003 focused on conducting in-depth research, analysis, and consumer education in the area of privacy.
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