
Friday, October 23, 2009

New E-Resource: Handbook of Statistics

From the Penn Libraries News:

Handbook of Statistics is now available online to the Penn Community. The Handbook devotes single volumes to a specific topic in statistics. Special emphasis is placed upon applications-oriented techniques, with the applied statistician as the primary reading audience. Seven Penn authors have contributed to this handbook series. Topics covered include:

Bayesian Thinking, Modeling & ComputationRobust Inference
Bioenvironmental & Public Health StatisticsSample Surveys: Design
Computational StatisticsSample Surveys: Inference and Analysis
Design & Analysis of ExperimentsSampling
EconometricsSignal Processing & its Applications
Environmental StatisticsStatistical Methods in Biological & Medical Sciences
Epidemiology & Medical StatisticsStatistical Methods in Finance
Order Statistics: ApplicationsStatistics in Industry
Order Statistics: Theory & MethodsStochastic Processes: Modeling & Simulation
PsychometricsSurvival Analysis
Quality Control & ReliabilityTime Series in the Frequency Domain
ReliabilityTime Series in the Time Domain

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