
Thursday, November 08, 2012

Social Influnce Special Retrospective Issue

The journal Social Influence has put out a special online edition in honor of this election season featuring a selection of articles from previous issues exploring the psychological processes at work in a variety of aspects of individual and social persuasion "focusing on the many ways in which our political outlooks and decisions can be deliberately shaped." Penn doesn't currently subscribe to this journal but we will beginning 2013. In the meantime, you can email me if you want to get your hands on any of these articles--if my promotional link is still working I can share; if not there is always our trusty InterLibrary Loan.

Presidential Election Online Special Issue
When My Country Is at War: Issue Importance & Interpersonal Influence Lead Iraq War Attitudes to Cluster within Social Networks by Jerry G. Cullum, Bradley M. Okdie, Helen C. Harton (Vol. 6:4, 2011, 231-248).

Attitudes to Cluster within Social Networks
by Jerry G. Cullum, Bradley M. Okdie & Helen C. Harton (Vol. 6:4, 2011, 231-248).

Motives for Social Influence after Social Change: Are New Majorities Power Hungry? by P. Niels Christensen, Radmila Prislin, Elizabeth Jacobs (Vol. 4:3, 2009, 200-215).

How “Undocumented Workers” & “Illegal Aliens” Affect Prejudice toward Mexican Immigrants by Matthew R. Pearson M.S. (Vol. 5:2, 2010, 118-132).

Status Quo Framing Increases Support for Torture by Christian S. Crandall, Scott Eidelman, Linda J. Skitka, G. Scott Morgan (Vol. 4:1, 2009, 1-10).

Right-wing Face, Left-wing Faces: The Matching Effect in the Realm of Political Persuasion by Nicoletta Cavazza, Anna Rita Graziani, Alessandra Serpe, Sandro Rubichi (Vol. 5:1, 2010, 1-22)

The Persuasiveness of the Straw Man Rhetorical Technique by George Y. Bizer, Shirel M. Kozak, Leigh Ann Holterman (Vol. 4:3, 2009, 216-230).

Boasting, Burnishing & Burying in the Eyes of the Perceivers by Nurit Tal-Or (Vol. 3:3, 2008, 202-222).

Why I Am Less Persuaded Than You: Intuitive Understanding of the Psychology of Persuasion by Karen M. Douglas, Robbie M. Sutton, Sofia Stathi (Vol. 5:2, 2010, 133-148).

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