
Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Digital Newspaper Archive Research

The special issue of the latest Media History (Volume 20, Number 1, 2014), devoted to digital newspaper archive research, grew out of a conference held at the University of Sheffield in 2011 of the AHRC (Arts and Humanities
Research Council) Research Network, Exploring the language of the popular in American and British newspapers 1833–1988.

As John Steel explains in the issue's Introduction, "The papers in this volume...signal developments and opportunities in the production, use and development of digital archives themselves. The papers either explicitly address the range of challenges and opportunities of using digital newspaper archives while at the same time presenting research made possible by the archives. Other papers are less evaluative or prescriptive and demonstrate the scope and depth of analysis that such archives allow for media historians."

Articles include: Elemental Forms: The newspaper as popular genre in the nineteenth century, by James Mussell

Nineteenth-Century Journalism Online—The Market Versus Academia? by Clare Horrocks

Jingoism, Public Opinion, And The New Imperialism: Newspapers and Imperial Rivalries at the fin de siècle, by Simon J. Potter

King Demos and His Laureate: Rudyard Kipling's ‘The White Man's Burden,’ Transatlanticism, and the Newspaper Poem, by John Lee

The development of discourse presentation in The Times, 1833–1988, by Andreas H. Jucker and Manuel Berger

Archiving the Visual: The promises and pitfalls of digital newspapers, by Nicole Maurantonio

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