The Media Industries Scholarly Interest Group (MISIG) has launched the inaugural issue of its multi-media, open access journal Media Industries.
Journal statement from the editors:
Media Industries "promotes critical studies of media industries and institutions worldwide. We invite contributions that range across the full spectrum of media industries, including film, television, internet, radio, music, publishing, electronic games, advertising, and mobile communications. Submissions may explore these industries individually or examine inter-medial relations between industrial sectors. We encourage both contemporary and historical studies, and are especially interested in contributions that draw attention to global and international perspectives. Media Industries is furthermore committed to the exploration of innovative methodologies, imaginative theoretical approaches, and new research directions."
The first issue includes an opening essay from the members of the journal's "editorial collective." Additional articles include:
Dirt Research for Media Industries
Charles R. Acland
The Menace of Instrumentalism in Media Industries Research and Education
David Hesmondhalgh
On Automation in Media Industries: Integrating Algorithmic Media Production into Media Industries Scholarship
Philip M. Napoli
There Is No Music Industry
Jonathan Sterne
The Case for Studying In-Store Media
Joseph Turow
I may not have clicked into all the articles but I didn't find one that was over four pages of text; brevity seems to be an unspoken rule, at least for this first issue. Labels: e-journal, media industries
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