Homeland Insecurities
The July/September 2006 issue of Cultural Studies (Volume 20, Numbers4-5) is devoted to the implications of the creation of a Department of Homeland Security but, as issue editors James Hay and Mark Andrejevic point out, is not limited to this institution but rather "a variety of programs oriented toward the management of risk." Articles include: Designing Homes to Be the First Line of Defense: Safe Households, Mobilization, and the New Mobile Privatization by James Hay;Becoming Bombs: Mobilizing Mobility in the War of Terror, by Jeremy Packer; Watching Ourselves: Video Surveillance, Urban Space and Self-Responsibilization, by Bilge Yesil; Identifying the 9/11 Faces of Terror: The Promise and Problem of Facial Recognition Technology by Kelly Gates; Interactive (Insecurity: The Participatory Promise of Ready.gov by Mark Andrejevic; Derivative Wars, by Randy Martin; Surviving the Inevitable Future: Preemption in an Age of Faulty Intelligence, by Greg Elmer and Andy Opel; Public Secrecy and Immanent Security: Strategic Analysis, by Jack Bratich.
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