2010 Leisure Market Research Handbook
I just discovered that The 2010 Leisure Market Research Handbook (Richard K. Miller & Associates) is available in Business Source Complete, an EBSCO database that resides in the same suite of databases as Communication & Mass Media Complete (tell me you aren't forgetting when you go in to CMMC to select other appropriate databases!).
The book is broken up into chapters but they all look to be there. So what kind of data is in the Leisure Market Research Handbook? Demographics on leisure activities which includes lots of media usage (along with bird watching and sport card collecting) details. Special sections include film viewing, home entertainment, photography, radio listening, television viewing, video games, and online activities. There is also city-by-city breakdowns so you can compare rock concert attendance or video gaming from Akron, Ohio to Wilmington, Delaware.
I like not having to buy the book since it's available in this handy format, the trick it to remember it's here!
Business Source Complete can be entered directly into the Find It box on the ASC homepage, or just click into the first Communication database listed in the center column, Communication & Mass Media Complete (you may want other things in there), then be sure to click on "Select databases" to add Business Source Complete.
Labels: demographic data, leisure, media consumption
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