Historical Statistics of the United States
The Penn Library Web now offers Historical Statistics of the United States (Milliennial Edition Online). This e-resource reproduces material published in Historical statistics of the United States: earliest times to the present. Millennial edition. 5 volumes. New York: Cambridge University Press (with the cooperation of the US Census Bureau), 2006. [Van Pelt Reference Desk: HA202 .H57 2006]
HSUS is the best starting-place for statistical information on the United States, for the colonial era and 1790-2000 (including the Confederate States of America). Presents 37,339 data series on: Population, including vital statistics, immigration and emigration; Work and welfare, including labor, slavery, education, health, economic inequality and poverty, social insurance and public assistance; Economic structure and performance, including national income and national product, business cycles, prices, consumer expenditures, savings, capital, and wealth, business organization, and financial markets and institutions; Business sectors and industries; Governance and international relations, including government finance, elections and politics, crime and law enformcement, wars, armed forces, and veterans, and international trade and exchange rates.
HSUS is arranged conveniently for subject browsing. Introductory essays for each topical section provide a guide to the data, sources, and historical trends emphasized in the literature, with bibliographic citations for further research. This continues the tradition set in earlier US Census Bureau editions of HSUS.
HSUS offers several options for table or data series output: Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, CSV-format text tables, tables suitable for importing into SPSS or SAS, PDF-format pages, and graphs (bar, line, scatter).
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